About this site

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name Joe Appleton, and perhaps like you, I am just starting out on my research journey. In documenting my research process, hopefully, you can speed up your path to getting a post graduate qualification.

This blog should interest you if:

  • You are starting out on your postgraduate research journey
  • Considering taking post graduate study
  • Or you may just be curious what post graduate research entails

The aim is to focus on the technical aspects of conducting research, I will mostly be blogging on the field of social sciences (I am in the final stages of a part-time degree in Technology Enhanced Learning). I intend to share the key tools, tips and techniques that have helped me in my own journey. In summary, I want to explore the process of how to get research done by deconstructing ideas that have helped me become a better researcher. In doing so, hopefully we can all learn together.